St David’s Neighbourhood Centre provides community projects, activities and free events throughout the year. They provide many benefits for our local community, including the opportunity for people to get to know and connect with their neighbours, find out about services in their community, and raise essential funds that allow us to continue assisting those in need. However, we are unable to provide these community benefits without the generous support of our sponsors and partners.
There are many ways that individuals, businesses, organisations and community groups can partner with St David’s Neighbourhood Centre to contribute to the wellbeing of our community. this guide will help you identify ways you can demonstrate your core values through charitable sponsorship and philanthropic investment. The ways you can invest address social, environmental or economic responsibilities through philanthropic, in-kind or volunteer investment Benefits of supporting St David’s Neighbourhood Centre include great exposure and promotional opportunity to reach your local market and good feelings and warm fuzzies from knowing your business is actively supporting the community! We have DGR status so any cash donation is tax deductible, and sponsorship contributions may also be tax deductible. Our 2024 – 2025 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY GUIDE outlines current opportunities that we are seeking support for.
To discuss sponsorship, investment or partnering opportunities, please contact our Centre Manager on 3274 3240 or